A Professional Bike FIT is for everyone that rides a bike to commute or to race on.
It will improve comfort, reduce the risk of injury, increase ability and increase safety.
All of which can be more relevant to those new to cycling, or with limited knowledge.
Please email [email protected] to set up your fit with our expert fitter!
What to Expect From a Pro Fit:
Riding a bike should be comfortable, so you should also consider a fit if it isn’t. Pain, numbness, or tingling—especially in the hands, feet or butt—are signs that something about your bike doesn’t fit you properly. |
What it includes:
A complete fit covers: a conversation with the fitter to go over your riding experience and style, particular issues you’re having and current bike setup, and a brief physical assessment of factors like flexibility and checks for issues like leg-length discrepancies. Some fits will involve checking proper saddle width and shoe size, as well as factors like insole support. Finally, there’s an on-bike session (on a stationary trainer) where the fitter will assess your fit and form on the bike and make adjustments and corrections. The fitter will address cleat setup, seat height, pedaling motion, reach to the handlebar and cockpit (seat and handlebar size). Expect a comprehensive fit to take one to two hours.
Be honest with your fitter about injuries and issues, particularly with the seat. Ride naturally; don’t try to “impress” your fitter with good form.
Your body will need time to adapt to position changes. Especially if your fit on the bike has changed a lot, back off the volume and intensity of riding for a couple of weeks to give your body time to adjust. Major changes should be made incrementally, to avoid shocking the body.